Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Test results are in

I just received the call this morning.  My BRCA test (genetic test) came back negative.  I do not have a genetic mutation that makes me more prone to breast cancer!  Such a relief, I have been thinking non-stop about my sisters and my children.

Now I am left with other questions floating around in my mind, why do I have a breast cancer diagnosis at age 34.  I have been doing some reading and was surprised that alot of women will have breast cancer for 8-10 years before a diagnosis.  This makes me question the way preventative screening is done.  If you have been reading my blog then you know that I really had to advocate for myself to get the tests I needed.  In hindsight I think that this all started last May when I had some changes to my breast tissue.  I had a mammogram and ultrasound then and was told that I had benign cysts and a normal mammogram.  Months later I started having lots of pain that I thought was related to cysts and something that I would have to live with.  This time around I was also told that I had cysts, these are different cysts than before and there are multiple areas on my mammogram.  That being said I only had one of these areas biopsied because of the way they presented on the MRI.  When I saw my surgeon a couple weeks ago she told me that there could be other areas of cancer in my breast.  The cancer they found is DCIS (stage 0) grade 3.  The grade 3 is concerning because it means that it is very aggressive.  I have to be prepared for the fact that I could have more cancer and that some of it may be invasive.

I have an appointment with my surgeon this Thursday, this will be a pre-op appointment.  I will be having surgery soon.  I don't have an exact date but I would not be surprised if it is next week.  I will be having a bilateral Mastectomy.  This may seem extreme but it is the right choice for me and my family.  My chances of recurrence are very high with lumpectomy and are at least 30% in the healthy breast.  I cannot have this threat looming over my life so I choose to be proactive.

Thank you for all your support and prayers they are appreciated and I am sure they are the reason that I have been able to keep a level head through all of this.  I ask for continued prayer, please pray that there would be no invasive cancer and no lymph node involvement.


Brazenlilly said...

Wow, Michelle. I cannot fathom how you are processing all of this in such a short time. You are so very brave! You are a WARRIOR! (I have muddy pictures to prove it!) We all support you, love you, pray for you and think you are making the right decision--although I can't imagine it was an easy one. I hope you feel an army of prayer warriors surrounding you! and I hope you continue to update the blog so we can know how better to pray. Much love, friend.

Anonymous said...

I have been praying for you everyday and you have been heavy in my thoughts. God doesn't give us anymore then what we can handle. If you feel like you can't handle things just remember he is walking beside you and he will carry you when you feel weak. If you need anything at all, please don't be afraid to ask. You have lots of support. Michelle N.

Shirley said...

Michelle... Golly. Can I just say I grow leaps and bounds in admiration of you every day. You are and are becoming more amazing as a result of this journey you are on. A picture of God's hand, love, control and HOPE! A sure hope any way you look at it. Love you!


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you...I think you are making the right decision, for what it is worth. I would do the same thing.
Your children are beautiful. Always enjoyed working with you.
God Bless you and you are in my prayers. I also asked my Bible study group to pray for you too.
trish (worked with you at Salem IMCU)

Anonymous said...

I am in awe of your bravery. I can say that I would probably do the same. My mother had breat cancer 12 years ago and decided to also have a double mastectomy. She later decided to have re-constructive surgery. It was a very painful couple of years after recovery. But since has been so happy with her decision with not only having no issues since the last surgery, but now she has a perfect set of "22 year old breasts" at the age of (at the time -60). I am praying that everything goes well for you and I am close by if you need/want anything. :) Rochelle

Anonymous said...


I just saw this, and to say the least I am in shock, but also in awe at how level-headed and determined and brave you are. I wish so much I was closer by, but if there is anything I can do from here, besides keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, please let me know. Love, Aunt Lois