Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Two steps back

   This Friday I am scheduled for another surgery.  One of the incisions is not healing properly.  My surgeon had been hopeful that it would resolve on it's own, but after close monitoring there is not enough improvement.  I was starting to feel better and now I have to take a couple steps back.  
   Today I see the medical oncologist and hopefully we will get some answers.  Specifically what kind of treatment we can anticipate.  As far as I understand radiation is off the table but chemo is still a possibility as well as more targeted therapy depending on the type of tumor we are dealing with.

 Thank You for all of your continued prayers.


Shirley said...

Okay Michelle. I am praying. God is "stepping' with you and I am joining, with prayers, love and friendship. Love to you,

Brazenlilly said...

Aw, dang. I'm sorry friend. You have come this far, you're not going to let a couple backsteps take you down! We love you and we are praying for you!

Jamie E said...

Love you.

Sallie said...

Possibly you are in surgery as I am reading and typing this. We are praying for you and the family, may there be healing and may God give you the strength for each day. He is your comfort and your strength. You are such a blessing to each one of us with your positive outlook and strong faith! Love you so much!!!