After a long year of surgeries and cancer treatment (chemo sucks) I can finally say I am done!
What an experience, it's hard to even think about everything that I have gone through. Honestly some of it I don't want to, so I'll just block it out. One thing that I will always remember is everyone who stood with me, prayed for me and just loved me. If that's you Thank You!
Life is getting back to "normal" and I feel I can be me again. Even though things are becoming more "normal" I know they will never be the same as before my diagnosis. My kids will ask questions that most won't understand. They become a little different if anyone in the house is sick and in bed. They talk about bald Mommy. You know the fun stuff. I won't even go into what goes through my mind every time I have a cough. That being said these things do not happen on a daily basis.
I think it is safe to say that I am cancer free, but I'll never be free of cancer.