Today is 1 week since my diagnosis of DCIS. This week has been fairly busy with 3 Dr appts. I went to see an Oncologist on Tuesday and had blood work done. We are waiting on this blood work before scheduling surgery. To be honest I do not believe the results will have any impact on our surgical decisions. (More on that later) The testing is called BRCA 1 and 2 and they are gene mutations that may help us understand why I have cancer at such a young age (34). We are in waiting mode, but after the last few weeks it is welcome. I have had seven appts in 14 days and my daughter has been asking lots of questions and has been clingy.
When I first was diagnosed I heard this song and it really hit me where I was. I listened to it a few times and wept. Tears of fear and tears of trust. Such a beautiful song it will always remind me of this time.
Though I walk,
Though I walk through the shadows
And I, I am so afraid
Please stay, please stay right beside me
With every single step I take
(Plumb, Need you now)