Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Sister

My sister Sarah, my friend.

This is the girl who I shared a room with for 16 years, longer than I have known my husband.  But isn't funny how we can grow up with someone and know everything about each other and then when we are adults it is so easy to grow apart.  My sister moved to Arizona and I won't lie it was hard not to have her here but I understand she needed to "Live".  Sarah moved back to Oregon about 5 years ago and I like to think that it was because she wanted to be around for her soon to be born niece.  It would have been really nice to have had her around during those years,  but I am just so glad that she is here now!  It makes me so happy that my kids have an Aunt that loves them so much and that they can spend time with her.  I love that she comes over to have dinner with my family.  And lately she has been bringing her boyfriend and it has been nice getting to know him.  So in  nutshell I am so glad that we are becoming close again.  I love you Sarah.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The worst

The worst part of not having a home phone.... I can't call my cell phone when I lose it!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Is it Winter?

I have been loving this weather, the sunny days and even the rainy ones!  I am starting to get a serious case of spring fever.  I have the urge to start spring cleaning and I want to open all the windows and doors to air out the house...but it's 40 degrees outside.  I have also been planning my gardens and I've been bugging Greg about rototilling.  I am going to break down soon and start buying seeds.  But for now I will just enjoy all the spring bulbs and other flowers pushing through the soil in my backyard!